Sat, 15 Feb 2025


African diaspora sixth region high council launches in Maputo, Mozambique (Photos)
By: Abara Blessing Oluchi
Sun, 13 Aug 2023   ||   Nigeria,

Global African Diaspora Representatives, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Republic of Mozambique, proudly announce the launch of the  of the African Union African Diaspora Sixth Region High Council.

This historic momentous occasion took place on 11 July 2023, in Maputo, Mozambique, coinciding with the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Article 3Q of the amended Constitutive Act of the African Union.

The launching ceremony was presided over by the esteemed Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Republic of Mozambique started with a warm welcome statement by the Maputo City Council on behalf of the Mayor of Maputo.

The Pan African Rootssynergy Maputo Roundtable was organized from  July 10 -13th 2023.

The African Union African Diaspora Sixth Region High Council aims to strengthen collaboration and promote development initiatives between Africa and the Diaspora. This Council recognizes the significance of harnessing the collective power and resources of the African Diaspora.-to drive socio-cultural and economic progress, poverty eradication, education and scientific research, healthcare, digital & technological advancement and sustainable development within both Africa and the Diaspora. Reparatory Justice for the crimes against Africa and African People in context of the Trans-Atlantic slavetrade, slavery and colonialism, as well the ‘Right to Return’ importance.

CEOAFRICA gathered that during the event, a significant milestone was achieved, as participants also established the African Diaspora Sixth Region Development Agency (ADDA). This Agency will serve as a vital vehicle for driving development initiatives in both Africa and the Diaspora. By fostering collaboration and leveraging resources from various stakeholders, this Agency will play a pivotal role in advancing socio-cultural and economic progress, poverty eradication, education, and healthcare, scientific, digital, technological and sustainable development within the African diaspora community. The presented Draft Legal Framework on behalf of the AU ECOSOCC in context of the 20 reserved seats for the Diaspora has provided opportunities for further exchanges with African Diaspora High Council's Representatives.

"The launch of the African Union African Diaspora Sixth Region High Council marks a historic moment in our journey towards unity and development".

“We are grateful for the support and commitment demonstrated by the African Union in particularly AU ECOSOCC, and the African Development Bank Group, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Republic of Mozambique, and all our esteemed partners. Together, we will work towards a brighter future for Africa and the Diaspora”.

"The African Union and its partners remain dedicated to upholding the principles outlined in Article 3Q of the amended Constitution Act of the African Union. This historic event serves as a testament to their unwavering commitment to unity, progress, and development within the African Diaspora”.

The event was attended by distinguished guests including speakers from Diplomatic missions, United Nations Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, AU ECOSOCC Standing Committee, African Development Bank Group, AU Civil Society Organization, global organizations for Reparatory Justice, Caricom Reparation Commission , National Reparation Commission NL and NCOBRA, the Kingdom of Kush, African Diaspora Union, African Business Information Bank, Global African SHEROES Union, Balanta Society, Rastafarian Representation, Teaching Artists Institute, 6th Region African Diaspora Alliance in Tanzania, Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus International, African Roots and Heritage Foundation, African Europe Women’s movement ‘Sophiedela’, Youths and African Diaspora organizations from across the five continents, and diverse array of participants from countries within the continent and beyond,as well media representatives.

Worthy of note  that  during the five day conference, many high level participants joined the event online.