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CEOAFRICA History Corner: October 10th in focus
By: News Editor
Mon, 10 Oct 2022   ||   Nigeria,

Today on the history corner, we took a trip down, in the realm of flashback and we were able to recall some events that marked this day. Many of the events today, in history, were not so pleasant but the most interesting of the events remains the award of Nobel Peace Prize to a teenager, Malala, in 2014.

October 10, 1575

Battle of Dormans: Roman Catholic forces under Duke Henry of Guise defeated the Protestants, capturing Philippe de Mornay among others.

October 10, 1733

France declared war on Roman Emperor, Charles VI.

October 10, 1780

Great Hurricane of 1780 kills 20,000 to 30,000 in the Caribbean, hitting Barbados first. Atlantic's deadliest recorded hurricane.

October 10, 1845

Naval School (now called US Naval Academy) established at Annapolis.

October 10, 1865

John Wesley Hyatt patented the billiard ball made from cellulose nitrate (celluloid) in Albany, New York (patent US50359A).

October 10, 1871

The Great Chicago Fire was finally extinguished after 3 days, leaving approximately 300 dead, 100,000 homeless, and costing $222m in damage.

October 10, 1892

Entire Hong Kong national cricket team died in shipwreck off Taiwan.

October 10, 1903

The Women's Social and Political Union was formed by Emmeline Pankhurst to fight for women's rights in Britain.

October 10, 1911

A group of revolutionaries launched an uprising in Wuchang, China, which many regard as the formal beginning of the Chinese Revolution, a nationalist democratic revolt that overthrew the Qing dynasty.

October 10, 1944

800 Gypsy children, were murdered when they were gassed to death at Auschwitz concentration camps. As well as Jews, the Nazi party had decided Gypsies should also be exterminated and approximately 1.5 million Gypsies were murdered by the Nazis.

October 10, 1957

US President Eisenhower apologized to the finance minister of Ghana, Komla Agbeli Gbdemah, after he was refused service in a restaurant in Dover, Delaware.

October 10, 1966

A committee of the General Assembly of the United nations approved, by a wide margin, a resolution condemning racial discrimination and urged all nations to support economic, diplomatic and an arms embargo against South Africa. The resolution was aimed at violations of human rights and specifically Apartheid South Africa's rigid system of racial segregation.

October 10, 1967

Mourning in Asaba, following three-day massacre by the officers of the Nigerian Army, over a thousand men were killed between 5th and 7th October.

October 10, 1973 US'

Vice President Spiro T. Agnew resigned from office and pleaded no contest to the charge of failing to report $29,500 in income while governor of Maryland.

October 10, 1973

On the fifth day of the Arab -- Israeli war Iraq had joined in on the Arab side and pressure was being bought to bear for the United States to combat aid to Israel, as the Arab forces had the upper hand with missiles able to shoot Israeli planes out of the air. America knew it would need to tread carefully as if it got involved the Soviet Union could as well join the Arab side which could then escalate into a world war.

October 10, 1975

Israel formally signed Sinai accord with Egypt.

October 10, 1976

Beijing reported arrest of Mao Zedong's widow.

October 10, 1978

US Congress approved dollar coin, honoring women's suffrage campaigner Susan B. Anthony.

October 10, 1979

Nigeria Returns to Civilian Rule, after thirteen years of military regime.

October 10, 1980

Two earthquakes struck the northern Algerian town of El Asnam. Current Reports estimated that up to 20,000 had died and many tens of thousands were injured or missing.

October 10, 1982

Pope John Paul II canonized Rev Maximilian Kolbe, who volunteered to die in place of another inmate at Auschwitz concentration camp, a saint.

October 10, 1991

Former U.S. postal worker, Joseph Harris, killed two former co-workers at the post office in Ridgewood, New Jersey. The night before, Harris had killed his former supervisor, Carol Ott, with a three-foot samurai sword, and shot her fiancé, Cornelius Kasten, in their home. His murders were one of many committed by postal workers which resulted in the phrase "going postal."

October 10, 2001

U.S. jets pounded the Afghan capital of Kabul. President George W. Bush unveiled a list of 22 most-wanted terrorists, including Osama bin Laden.

October 10, 2005

Negotiations between the CDU/CSU and SPD in Germany concluded with the two parties agreeing to form a grand coalition with Angela Merkel as chancellor after both parties lost seats in the 2005 German federal election.

October 10, 2010

The Netherlands Antilles—formerly an autonomous part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands consisting of a group of five islands in the Caribbean Sea—was officially dissolved.

October 10, 2010

Investigations were ongoing to unravel the source of Independence Anniversary bomb blast that left more than a dozen dead (as reported), around the Eagle Square, Abuja.

October 10, 2014

Malala Yousafzai, a 17-year-old Pakistani girl, and Kailash Satyarthi, a 60-year-old Indian man, were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for risking their lives for the right of children to receive an education and to live free from abuse.

October 10, 2021

After the first direct talks between U.S. officials and Afghanistan’s new Taliban leaders, the Taliban said the U.S. had agreed to provide humanitarian aid while refusing to give political recognition to the new rulers; the U.S. said only that the two sides had discussed the provision of U.S. humanitan


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