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Eko Ajumose 2022 : Sylken , marketers of Nature’sfield products Flaunt Promo as ACPN Prepare for Annual National Scientific Conference
By: News Editor
Thu, 30 Jun 2022   ||   Nigeria,

As part of the preparation for the forth coming 41st Annual National Scientific Conference of the Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN), tagged “Eko Ajumose 2022 “, Sylken Limited, marketer of Nature’s field products is partnering with ACPN for this year Annual National Scientific Conference has put in place a a raffle draw promo for its products for their teeming customers across the country. The promo is billed to take place between 27th June to 28th July , while the Grand Raffle Draw will be 29th July Afrikana Night at Festival Hotel, along Amuwo Odofin, Festac town, Lagos State, Nigeria.

.The retail raffle draw promo dubbed Afrikana Night opens window opportunity for customers to buy Nature’sfield products worth minimum of N200,000.00 during the stipulated period of June 27th to 28th July, 2022. Customers are expected to qualify for the various prizes – star prize, special prizes and consolations prizes.

Speaking with the National Chairman of ACPN Pharmacist Adewale Oladigbolu FPSN, revealed to CEOAFRICA: “we are happy to bring this information to our colleagues nationwide. It is first time in the history of the Association . The promo is organised with raffle tickets for customers to make the transaction payment in order to be qualified for the draw. The customer is entitled to one raffle ticket per every N200, 000 paid for the transaction. Hence, customers can do multiple entry.”

Prince Oladigbolu advised the public especially customers to take this golden opportunity to buy Nature’sfield products worth just N200, 000 and walk their way to qualify to win a Chevrolet SUV plus other special gifts.

Pharm Prince Adewale Oladigbolu FPSN  further enjoined all pharmacists to put together their arts to make this year National Conference a success and to get the best out of the conference which is designated to explicate the future developments in the pharmacy profession and practices of the community, understanding that preparation is always the key to success. The chairman also explained the need for tagging this conference Eko Ajumose 2022 as to promote and build common front, unity and tackle various challenges with which the healthcares delivery are faced with in the country.

While commending the raffle draw promo which is believed will transform lives, the National Secretary of ACPN, Pharma. Ezeh Igwekanma Ambrose (MAW) used the opportunity to intimate the general public of the coming Annual Scientific Conference of the ACPN which he said will be remarkably different and loud. He added further: “It is been organised to equip and re-enforce the noble community with scientific products and cares and a lot of winnings.”

Speaking with the Chairman Conference Planning Committee, Pharm  Agbomma Esom-Ibe FPSN,DCpharm said all is set for the Annual Scientific Conference as the committee is leaving no stone unturned towards a world class conference which ACPN is known for over the years .




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